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Record activities and changes made through the OpenFaaS REST API.


  • Maintain access records for compliance and security.
  • Monitor activity on the OpenFaaS REST API.

When auditing is enabled, OpenFaaS dispatches events containing detailed information about each request made to the OpenFaaS REST API to a designated webhook endpoint. After each request to the API

Events are batched within each HTTP call to your webhook endpoint, and will also contain a HMAC header that can be used to verify the origin of the event.

OpenFaaS Enterprise feature

This feature is included for OpenFaaS Enterprise customers. Identity and Access Management needs to be enabled for this feature.


To start receiving auditing events you need to enable auditing and configure a webhook endpoint OpenFaaS can deliver events to. This can be done by editing the values.yaml file of the OpenFaaS chart.

You will need to create an endpointSecret which will be shared with the HTTP receiver, and used to sign the webhook payload.

# openssl is preferred to generate a random secret:
openssl rand -base64 32 > ./event-webhook-secret.txt

kubectl create secret generic \
    -n openfaas \
    webhook-secret \
    --from-file webhook-secret=./event-webhook-secret.txt

Next, update your copy of the values.yaml file for the main OpenFaaS chart:

  endpoint: ""
  endpointSecret: webhook-secret

    enabled: true
    httpVerbs: "PUT,POST,DELETE"
  • The eventSubscription section is also used to configure metering.
  • Set the endpoint to your HTTP endpoint that will receive the events, including any Path you want to include.
  • The endpointSecret is used to sign the webhook payload with a symmetric secret using HMAC and a 256-bit digest.
  • The httpVerbs parameter can be used to configure a list of HTTP methods to audit. By default we do not audit GET requests to reduce the amount of auditing events sent to your webhook.

Example auditing webhook delivery

Each webhook delivery will contain a set of headers to identify events and validate the payload. See: Webhook delivery headers.

A webhook delivery can be validated using a shared HMAC secret and the payload signature included in the X-Openfaas-Signature-256 header for each request. See: How to validate the webhook is genuine.


> X-Openfaas-Event: api_access
> X-Openfaas-Signature-256: sha256=d57c68ca6f92289e6987922ff26938930f6e66a2d161ef06abdf1859230aa23c
> X-Openfaas-Delivery: fe0f677c-c431-498e-8ace-9ba857434334
> Content-Type: application/json

> [
>   {
>     "actor": {
>       "sub": "fed:system:serviceaccount:openfaas:cron-connector",
>       "issuer": "",
>       "fed_issuer": "https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local"
>     },
>     "path": "/system/namespaces",
>     "method": "GET",
>     "actions": [
>         "Namespace:List"
>     ],
>     "response_code": 200,
>     "time": "2023-12-04T17:09:28.710118072Z"
>   }
> ]

The request body contains a list of api access events.

  • actor - the user that triggered the event. This field will be empty if the request is unauthenticated.
    • sub - OIDC subject, a unique identifier for the user
    • name - the full name of the subject (when available in the OIDC claims)
    • issuer - the OpenFaaS issuer that issued the access token
    • fed_issuer - the federated issuer that issued to initial access token
  • path - the API path
  • method - the request method
  • actions - the applied action e.g. Namespace:List, Function:List, etc. (See: IAM Permissions)
  • response_code - the response code returned by the request
  • time - the time the API request started