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Auto-scaling your functions

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OpenFaaS Pro Autoscaler

OpenFaaS Pro feature

This feature is included for OpenFaaS Pro customers, and is designed for commercial use and production systems.

The OpenFaaS Pro Autoscaler scales functions horizontally between a minimum and maximum number of replicas, or to zero.

Watch Alex's overview of auto-scaling in OpenFaaS at KubeCon:

Live stream

Watch now: How and Why We Rebuilt Auto-scaling in OpenFaaS with Prometheus

Configuration is via a label on the function.

Label Description Default
com.openfaas.scale.max The maximum number of replicas to scale to. 20
com.openfaas.scale.min The minimum number of replicas to scale to. 1 Whether to scale to zero. false Idle duration before scaling to zero 15m Target load per replica for scaling 50 Proportion as a float of the target i.e. 1.0 = 100% of target 0.90
com.openfaas.scale.type Scaling mode of rps, capacity, cpu rps

All calls made through the gateway whether to a synchronous function /function/ route or via the asynchronous /async-function route count towards this method of auto-scaling.

Monitor what the autoscaler is doing

The best way to monitor the load on functions, and the decisions of the autoscaler is through the Grafana dashboard which is included with OpenFaaS Pro. The overview dashboard shows everything you need to know at a glance across all functions, and the spotlight dashboard shows just the one function you select.

OpenFaaS Pro auto-scaling dashboard with Grafana

OpenFaaS Pro auto-scaling dashboard with Grafana

In addition to the dashboards, you can monitor the calculations and decisions of the autoscaler.

By default, only API calls to the scale endpoint will be logged, to reduce the load and the amount of logs that may need to be stored. Set verbose flag to true in the Helm chart under the autoscaler section to view each turn or iteration of the [Scaler] and [Idler] Goroutines as they make decisions.

How auto-scaling works

There are three auto-scaling modes described in the next section. This is how they work.

  • When configuring auto-scaling for a function, you need to set a target number which is the average load per replica of your function.
  • Each mode can be used to record a current load for a function across all replicas in the OpenFaaS cluster.

Then, a query is run periodically to calculate the current load.

The current load is used to calculate the new number of replicas.

desired = ready pods * ( mean load per pod / target load per pod )

The target-proportion flag can be used to adjust how early or late scaling occurs:

desired = ready pods * ( mean load per pod / ( target load per pod * target-proportion ) )

For example:

  • sleep is running in the capacity mode and has a target load of 5 in-flight requests.
  • The load on the sleep function is measured as 15 inflight requests.
  • There is only one replica of the sleep function because its minimum range is set to 1.
  • We are assuming is set to 1.0 (100%).
mean per pod = 15 / 1

3 = ceil ( 1 * ( 15 / 5 * 1 ) )

Therefore, 3 replicas will be set.

With 3 replicas and 25 ongoing requests, the load will be spread more evenly, and evaluate as follows:

mean per pod = 25 / 3 = 8.33

5 =  ceil( 3 * ( 8.33 / 5 * 1 ) )

When the load is no longer present, it will evaluate as follows:

mean per pod = 0 / 3 = 0

0 = ceil ( 3 * ( 0 / 5 * 1) )

But the function will not be set to zero yet, it will be brought up to the minimum range which is 1.

Scaling to zero is based upon traffic observed from the gateway within a set period of time defined via

If you are limiting how much concurrency goes to a function, let's say for 100 requests maximum, then you may want to set the target to 100 with a proportion of 0.7, in this instance, when there are 70 ongoing requests, the autoscaler will add more replicas:

total load = 90
mean per pod = 90 / 1 = 90

2 =  ceil( 1 * ( 90 / ( 100 * 0.7 ) ) )

Scaling modes

  • Capacity capacity

Based upon inflight requests (or connections), ideal for: long-running functions or functions which can only handle a limited number of requests at once.

A hard limit can be enforced through the max_inflight environment variable on the function, so the caller will need to retry the request some of the time. The OpenFaaS Pro queue-worker does this automatically, see also: Retries.

  • RPS rps

Based upon requests per second completed by the function. A good fit for functions which execute quickly and have high throughput.

You can tune this value on a per function basis.

  • CPU cpu

Based upon CPU usage of the function, this strategy is idea for CPU-bound workloads, or where Capacity and RPS are not giving the optimal scaling profile. The value configured here is in milli-CPU, so 1000 accounts for 1 CPU core.

  • Scaling to zero

Scaling to zero is an opt-in feature on a per function basis. It can be used in combination with any of the three scaling modes listed above.

Testing out the various modes

A quick primer on hey a load testing tool written in Go.

  • -c - concurrent connections
  • -z - duration of the test as a Go duration
  • -t timeout in seconds
  • q - limit queries per second

You can install hey with arkade using: arkade get hey.

1) Capacity-based scaling:

This function takes 1-2 seconds to complete, and uses a target, or soft limit of 5 concurrent requests.

# target: 5 inflight
# 100% utilization of target

faas-cli store deploy sleep \
--label com.openfaas.scale.max=10 \
--label \
--label com.openfaas.scale.type=capacity \
--label \
--label \

# With a timeout of 10 seconds
# Run for 3 minutes
# With 5 concurrent callers
# Limited to 5 QPS per caller
hey -t 10 -z 3m -c 5 -q 5 \

To apply a hard limit, add --env max_inflight=5 to the faas-cli store deploy command.

What if you need to limit a function to processing only one request at a time?

Change the target to 1, target-proportion to 0.95 and set the max_inflight to 1.

faas-cli store deploy sleep \
--label com.openfaas.scale.max=10 \
--label \
--label com.openfaas.scale.type=capacity \
--label \
--env max_inflight=1

# With a timeout of 10 seconds
# Run for 3 minutes
# With 5 concurrent callers
# Limited to 5 QPS per caller
hey -t 10 -z 3m -c 5 -q 5 \

You'll see the replicas scale up to 5 over time, and back to 1 when the test is complete. No pod will serve more than one request at a time.

2) RPS-based scaling:

# target: 50 RPS
# 90% utilization of target

faas-cli store deploy nodeinfo \
--label com.openfaas.scale.max=10 \
--label \
--label com.openfaas.scale.type=rps \
--label \
--label \

# Run for 3 minutes
# With 5 concurrent callers
# Limited to 20 QPS per caller
hey -z 3m -c 5 -q 20 \

3) CPU-based scaling:

# target: 100 Mi
# 50% utilization of target

faas-cli store deploy figlet \
--label com.openfaas.scale.max=10 \
--label \
--label com.openfaas.scale.type=cpu \
--label \
--label \

# Run for 3 minutes
# With 5 concurrent callers
# Limited to 20 QPS per caller
hey -m POST -d data -z 3m -c 5 -q 20 \

3) CPU-based scaling w/o scale to zero:

# target: 50 Mi
# 90% utilization of target

faas-cli store deploy cows \
--label com.openfaas.scale.max=5 \
--label \
--label com.openfaas.scale.type=cpu \
--label \

hey -m POST -d data -z 3m -c 5 -q 10 \

Note that is a default, so this is not strictly required.

Scaling to Zero aka "Zero-scale"

Scaling functions to zero replicas when idle can save on costs by reducing the amount of nodes required in your cluster. You can also reduce the consumption of nodes on statically-sized or on-premises clusters.

In OpenFaaS, scaling to zero is turned off by default, and is part of the OpenFaaS Pro bundle and configured in the helm chart. Once installed, idle functions can be configured to scale down when they haven't received any requests for a period of time. We suggest that you set this figure to 2x the maximum timeout, or use the default timeout value if that makes sense for most of your functions.

Scaling up from zero replicas

Scaling up from zero replicas or 0/0 can be toggled through the scale_from_zero environment variable for the OpenFaaS Gateway. This is turned on by default on Kubernetes and faasd.

The latency between accepting a request for an unavailable function and serving the request is sometimes called a "Cold Start".

  • What if I don't want a "cold start"?

    The cold start in OpenFaaS is strictly optional and it is recommended that for time-sensitive operations you avoid one by having a minimum scale of 1 or more replicas. This can be achieved by not scaling critical functions down to zero replicas, or by invoking them through the asynchronous route which decouples the request time from the caller.

  • What exactly happens in a "cold start"?

    The "Cold Start" consists of the following: creating a request to schedule a container on a node, finding a suitable node, pulling the Docker image and running the initial checks once the container is up and running. This "running" or "ready" state also has to be synchronised between all nodes in the cluster. The total value can be reduced by pre-pulling images on each node and by setting the Kubernetes Liveness and Readiness Probes to run at a faster cadence.

    Instructions for optimizing for a low cold-start are provided in the helm chart for Kubernetes.

    When scale_from_zero is enabled a cache is maintained in memory indicating the readiness of each function. If when a request is received a function is not ready, then the HTTP connection is blocked, the function is scaled to min replicas, and as soon as a replica is available the request is proxied through as per normal. You will see this process taking place in the logs of the gateway component.

    For an overview of cold-starts in OpenFaaS see: Dude where's my coldstart?

  • What if my function is still running when it gets scaled down?

    That shouldn't happen, providing that you've set an adequate value for the idle detection for your function. But if it does, the OpenFaaS watchdog and our official function templates will allow a graceful termination of the function. See also: Improving long-running jobs for OpenFaaS users

Smoothing out scaling down with a stable window

The com.openfaas.scale.down.window label can be set with a Go duration up to a maximum of 5m or 300s. When set, the autoscaler will record recommendations on each cycle, and only scale down a function to the highest recorded recommendation of replicas.

Example of a stable window

There is variable load every 2.5 minutes, however the autoscaler does not scale down due to the stable window picking the highest recommendation over the past 5 minutes.

For example, a function receives a peak in traffic and scales to 10 replicas. The recommendations built up may include 8, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 5, 5 replicas, in this case, even if the autoscaler would pick something as low as 2 replicas, based upon the current load, it will only be allowed to scale down to 8 replicas. Once scale down window moves along, and the maximum recommendation decreases, then the value will eventually land on something that matches the current load being received.

In the above scenario, if you were to turn on verbose autoscaling, you'd have seen the following log message, showing the traffic demands 2x replicas, however the stable window is smoothing the decrease out.

2024/08/05 15:16:25 [Scaler] cows.openfaas-fn 10 => 2 (want: 8)

The purpose of this option is to slow down the rate of scaling down, when a function receives variable traffic over a relatively long period of time.

Scaling up, and scale to zero are unaffected, by default this setting is turned off.

Custom autoscaling rules

In addition to the built-in scaling types, custom Prometheus expressions can be used to scale functions. For instance you may want to scale based upon queue-depth, Kafka consumer lag, latency, RAM used by a function, or a custom business metric exposed by your function's handler.

You can learn more in the blog post: How to scale OpenFaaS Functions with Custom Metrics.

For example, to add latency-based scaling using the gateway's gateway_functions_seconds histogram, you could add the following to the openfaas chart in values-pro.yaml:

    - record: job:function_current_load:sum
      expr: |
        sum by (function_name) (rate(gateway_functions_seconds_sum{}[30s])) / sum by (function_name)  (rate( gateway_functions_seconds_count{}[30s]))
        and on (function_name) avg by(function_name) (gateway_service_target_load{scaling_type="latency"}) > bool 1
        scaling_type: latency

To check the configuration of current recording rules use the Prometheus UI or run kubectl edit -n openfaas configmap/prometheus-config followed by kubectl rollout restart -n openfaas deploy/prometheus.

Legacy scaling for the Community Edition (CE)

Legacy scaling for the Community Edition (CE)

The Community Edition (CE) is meant for development only, or internal use in non-business use-cases.

A single auto-scaling rule defined in the mounted configuration file for AlertManager, which is used for all functions. AlertManager reads usage (requests per second) metrics from Prometheus in order to know when to fire an alert to the API Gateway.

The API Gateway handles AlertManager alerts through its /system/alert route.

The auto-scaling provided by this method can be disabled by either deleting the AlertManager deployment or by scaling the deployment to zero replicas.

The AlertManager rule used in the Community Edition can be viewed here.

All calls made through the gateway whether to a synchronous function /function/ route or via the asynchronous /async-function route count towards this method of auto-scaling.

Min/max replicas

The minimum (initial) and maximum replica count can be set at deployment time by adding a label to the function.

  • com.openfaas.scale.min - by default this is set to 1, which is also the lowest value and unrelated to scale-to-zero

  • com.openfaas.scale.max - the default and maximum value is 5 for 5/5 Pods

  • com.openfaas.scale.factor by default this is set to 20% and has to be a value between 0-100 (including borders)

Note: Setting com.openfaas.scale.min and com.openfaas.scale.max to the same value, allows to disable the auto-scaling functionality of openfaas. Setting com.openfaas.scale.factor=0 also allows to disable the auto-scaling functionality of openfaas.

For each alert fired the auto-scaler will add a number of replicas, which is a defined percentage of the max replicas. This percentage can be set using com.openfaas.scale.factor. For example setting com.openfaas.scale.factor=100 will instantly scale to max replicas. This label enables to define the overall scaling behavior of the function.

Note: Active alerts can be viewed in the "Alerts" tab of Prometheus which is deployed with OpenFaaS.