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OpenFaaS API Gateway / Portal

Conceptual design using the OpenFaaS operator faas-provider. Each function is built into an immutable Docker image before being deployed via the faas-cli, UI or REST API.

Click below to view the image full-size:

OpenFaaS Conceptual architecture

When deployed each function creates 1 to many Pods/containers depending on the minimum and maximum scaling parameters requested by the user. Functions can also scale to zero and back again through use of the idler in the OpenFaaS Pro Autoscaler or the OpenFaaS Pro REST API.

See also: auto-scaling.

Reference documentation

You can find the reference documentation and any additional settings for the API gateway in the README file for the gateway:


The OpenFaaS API exposes a RESTful API which is documented with Swagger.

Explore or update the Swagger API documentation

The swagger.yml file can be viewed and edited in the Swagger UI.

  • Head over to the Swagger editor

  • Now click File -> Import URL

  • Type in and click OK

You can now view and edit the Swagger, copy back to your fork before pushing changes.