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Build functions

The OpenFaaS CLI supports various options for building a function.

For details and examples run

faas-cli build --help
  • Build images with Docker

The faas-cli build command builds a Docker image into your local Docker library, which can then be used locally or pushed into a remote Docker registry. Each change of your function requires a new faas-cli build command to be issued.

  • How to do CI/CD

When it comes to continuous integration and delivery you can use the faas-cli tool on your build server to build and deploy your code using the built-in commands.

  • Generate a Dockerfile with --shrinkwrap

If you are using an alternative container image builder or are automating the faas-cli then you can use the --shrinkwrap flag which will produce a folder named ./build/function-name with a Dockerfile. This bundle can be used with any container builder.

Plugins and build-time secrets

Experimental feature

This is an experimental feature which means that it may change in the future.

When using Docker's buildkit project to build your containers, faas-cli can pass in the arguments to mount different secrets into the build process.

Any other mechanism should be considered insecure because it will leak into the final image or the local image in one way or another.

For Go users, make use of vendoring. It's what we use and it means you do not have to resort to insecure practices like sharing Personal Access Tokens (PAT) between users.

Below we have an example for Python using the pip package manager and for node modules with npm. The approach is similar for different package managers.

  1. Download and enable the OpenFaaS Pro plugin
  2. Create a local file in the format required
  3. Update a build_secret in stack.yml so it gets mounted into the container
  4. Run faas-cli pro build or faas-cli pro publish, faas-cli pro up is not available at this time

Private access to a Python pip repository

First enable OpenFaaS Pro:

faas-cli plugin get pro
faas-cli pro enable

Download the OpenFaaS Pro template using your customer credentials:

faas-cli template pull

faas-cli new --list
Languages available as templates:
- python@3.8-debian

Create a new function from the template:


faas-cli new --lang python@3.8-debian \

Next, set up a build secret, for instance to fetch Pip modules from a private PyPi repository:

  name: openfaas

    lang: python3-http
    handler: ./withprivate
    image: openfaasltd/withprivate:0.0.1
      pipconf: ${HOME}/.config/pip/pip.conf

Set up the private authentication for pip.conf:

index-url =

Then run a build with:

faas-cli pro build

The faas-cli pro publish command can also be used instead of faas-cli pro build.

Within a GitHub Action, the short-lived token associated to the job is used to verify your license for this feature.

Add to your workflow.yaml:

      contents: 'read'
      id-token: 'write'


faas-cli plugin get pro
faas-cli pro enable

faas-cli pro build / publish

If you're cloning from a private Git repository, without using a private PyPi repository, then you can use the .netrc approach instead:


login username
password PAT

Then update stack.yml:

      netrc: ${HOME}/.netrc

Bear in mind that at this time, GITHUB_TOKEN in a GitHub Action cannot be used to clone other repositories, even within the same organisation.

Private npm modules

Get the OpenFaaS Pro plugin and enable it:

faas-cli plugin get pro
faas-cli pro enable

Create a function:

export OPENFAAS_PREFIX=openfaasltd
faas-cli template store pull node20
faas-cli new --lang node20 withprivatenpm

You will need to create an authentication token to install private npm modules. These instructions will differ depending on the registry you want to use:

Once you have an authentication token you can add a registry user account with the npm login command:

npm login --scope=@OWNER --registry=

> Username: USERNAME
> Password: TOKEN

Or edit your ~/.npmrc file to include the authentication token for your npm registry.


Add the .npmrc file as a build secret to the stack.yml file:

version: 1.0
  name: openfaas
    lang: node20
    handler: ./withprivatenpm
    image: openfaasltd/withprivatenpm:latest
      npmrc: ${HOME}/.npmrc

Run a build with:

faas-cli pro build -f stack.yml

You'll also need an updated version of the node template to mount the secret passed in from the OpenFaaS Pro plugin. Update template/node20/Dockerfile and replace the second npm i command with:

RUN --mount=type=secret,id=npmrc,mode=0666,dst=/home/app/.npmrc npm i

1.0 Apply build options

The OpenFaaS CLI enables functions to be built with different options, e.g. dev, debug, etc.

By default all templates provide a minimal build as this optimizes function image sizes. Where appropriate, 3rd-party dependencies can be specified via requirements.txt. In scenarios where third-party dependencies also require native (e.g. C/C++) modules, like libssh in Ruby and numpy or pandas in Python, then --build-option can be used.

  • How to use

The OpenFaaS CLI provides a --build-option flag which enables named sets of native modules to be specified for inclusion in the function build.

There are two ways to achieve this:

faas-cli build --lang python3 --build-option dev [--build-option debug]

or in YAML:

    - debug
    - dev

Where multiple functions are being built, the YAML configuration is recommended over use of the CLI flag, as the CLI flag applies the --build-option to all functions involved in the build activity.

Currently, of the official templates, Python and Ruby templates include named build options.

  • Edit templates to support additional build options

It is possible to amend build options in both official and custom templates.

Altering of official templates should be carefully considered in the context of repeatable builds

In order to modify a template to support further build options, edit the template.yml using the following pattern:

  - name: dev
    packages: # A list of required packages
      - make
      - automake
      - gcc
      #- etc.
  - name: debug
      - mg
      - iw
      #- etc.

and if not already present edit Dockerfile with:

# Add the following line

# Edit `RUN apk --no-cache add curl \` to the following
RUN apk --no-cache add curl ${ADDITIONAL_PACKAGE} \  

2.0 Pass ADDITIONAL_PACKAGE through --build-arg

There may be scenarios where a single native module needs to be added to a build. A single-package build option could be added as described above. Alternatively a package could be specified through a --build-arg.

faas-cli build --lang python3 --build-arg ADDITIONAL_PACKAGE=jq

In the event a build-option is set the effect will be cumulative:

faas-cli build --lang python3 --build-option dev --build-arg ADDITIONAL_PACKAGE=jq

The entries in the template's Dockerfile described in 1.0 above need to be present for this mode of operation.

3.0 Pass custom build arguments

You can pass ARG values to Docker via the CLI.

faas-cli build --build-arg ARGNAME1=argvalue1 --build-arg ARGNAME2=argvalue2

Remember to add any ARG values to the template's Dockerfile:


For more information about passing build arguments to Docker, please visit the Docker documentation

4.0 Building with large function sets

Performing a build action against a stack.yml which contains a large suite of serverless function definitions will result in each of the defined functions being built. The CLI makes available facilities that assist in this scenario.

The --parallel flag aims to reduce total build time by enabling more than one function build action to take place concurrently. Additionally, there may be situations where building all the defined functions is undesirable - for example where only one of the functions has had its code updated. In this instance the --filter and --regex flags can be used.

Consider a project with fn1, fn2, fn3, fn22, fn33 functions all defined within a single YAML file.

4.1 Using the --parallel flag

Parallel enables the user to specify how many concurrent function build actions should be performed. The default is that functions will be built serially, one after the other.

The following will see all the project functions' build actions performed concurrently:

faas-cli build --parallel 5


Remember to add -f if using a non-default yaml file: faas-cli build --parallel 5 -f projectfile.yml

Parallel can be combined with either of the --filter and --regex flags to parallel build a subset of the functions.

4.2 Using the --filter flag

Filter performs wildcard matching against function names in YAML file so that the build action will only be performed against those that match.

The following filter would build only fn2 from stack.yml:

faas-cli build --filter "fn2"
Wildcards can be added using *. The following will result in both fn2 and fn22 being built:

faas-cli build --filter "fn2*"

4.3 Using the --regex flag

Regex performs a similar action to --filter but allows for more complex patterns to be defined through regular expressions.

The following regex would result in fn1, fn2 & fn3 being built from the earlier project's stack.yml:

faas-cli build --regex "fn[0-9]$"

Building multi-arch images for ARM and Raspberry Pi

If you're Raspberry Pi or ARM servers to run your OpenFaaS on Kubernetes or with faasd server, then you will need to use the publish command instead which uses emulation and in some templates cross-compilation to build an ARM image from your PC.

It is important that you do not install Docker or any build tools on your faasd instance. faasd is a server to serve your functions, and should be treated as such.

The technique used for cross-compilation relies on Docker's buildx extension and buildkit project. This is usually pre-configured with Docker Desktop, and Docker CE when installed on an Ubuntu system.

First install the QEMU utilities which allow for cross-compilation:

$ docker run --rm --privileged \
  multiarch/qemu-user-static \
  --reset -p yes

Or if you're an arkade user, run arkade install qemu-static.

In addition, for CI, you can also add the --reset-qemu flag to faas-cli publish.

The faas-cli attempts to enable Docker's experimental flag for the CLI, but you may need to run the following, if you get an error:


Now run this command on your laptop or workstation, not on the Raspberry Pi:

faas-cli publish -f stack.yml --platforms linux/arm/v7

If you're running a 64-bit ARM OS like Ubuntu on an AWS Graviton or Raspberry Pi 4, then use:

faas-cli publish -f stack.yml --platforms linux/arm64

You can also add multiple platforms to publish an image which will run on an ARM device, and on a regular Intel host:

faas-cli publish -f stack.yml --platforms linux/arm/v7,linux/amd64

Then deploy the function:

faas-cli deploy -f stack.yml