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Configure Google

This guide will cover how to configure Google as an identity provider for OpenFaaS IAM. This is an easy way to authorize with OpenFaaS if your team is already using Google Workspace.

  1. Setup a new project in the Google API console

  2. Configure the OAuth consent screen.

    Follow the steps to configure the OAuth consent screen under APIs & Services -> OAuth consent screen.

    If you are a Google Workspace user you can make your app available to any user within your organization by registering it as an internal app.

  3. Obtain OAuth 2.0 credentials

    You will need to obtain a client ID and client secret for OpenFaaS. Create new OAuth Client ID credentials under APIs & Services -> Credential.

    Google API console OAuth 2.0 credentials

  4. Add the callback URL for the CLI and dashboard to the list of valid redirect URIs.

    Add for the CLI. If you are deploying the OpenFaaS dashboard, add the redirect URI for your dashboard e.g

    Google API console add redirect URIs

  5. Register Google as a JwtIssuer with OpenFaaS

    Create a JwtIssuer object in the openfaas namespace to register Google as a trusted issuer for OpenFaaS IAM.

    Example issues for Google:

    kind: JwtIssuer
      namespace: openfaas
    tokenExpiry: 12h

    The iss field needs to have the value

    The aud field contains a set of accepted audiences. For Google this is the client id that was generated in step 3. The client ID and secret can always be accessed from Credentials in APIs & Services in the Google API console.

    The tokenExpiry field can be used to set the expiry time of the OpenFaaS access token.

SSO with the faas-cli

Google does not support the Authorization Code flow with Proof Key of Code Exchange (PKCE). To login with the faas-cli use the Implicit Id flow.

faas-cli pro auth \
  --grant implicit-id \
  --authority \
  --client-id CLIENT_ID