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Trigger functions from AWS SQS

With our event connector, you can trigger function invocations from messages on AWS SQS queues. This is useful for processing events from AWS services such as S3, CloudWatch and DynamoDB.

Note: This feature is included for OpenFaaS Standard & For Enterprises customers.

On the blog: How to integrate OpenFaaS functions with managed AWS services


Pre-reqs on AWS

  • Create an SQS queue
  • Create an IAM user with permissions to write to your SQS queue
  • Create an S3 bucket
  • Configure your S3 bucket to publish events to your SQS queue

On Kubernetes

  • Set up AWS

    You can configure permissions using a dedicated IAM user, or if your cluster is configured for AWS IAM, ambient credentials mapped into the Pod at runtime.

  • Set up the connector

    You can install the SQS connector using its helm chart.

    The values.yaml file can be customised to suit the needs of your SQS queue and the consumer.

  • Tuning the connector for your needs

    queueURL - the URL for your SQS queue - you can specify a comma-separated list of queues to consume from or a single URL of a queue. When you specify multiple queues, the connector will consume from each of them and invoke functions in parallel. The access key and secret key must be the same for all queues given in queueURL.

    visibilityTimeout - Maximum time to keep message hidden from other processors whilst executing function.

    waitTime - Time to wait between polling SQS queue for messages.

    maxMessages - Maximum messages to fetch at once - between 1-10. This limit is part of the AWS SQS service.

    asyncInvocation - when set to true, every message will be dequeued and transferred to the built-in queueing system in OpenFaaS. The queue system in OpenFaaS is ideal for long-running functions, or functions that need to be retried if a non-200 status code is returned. This means the SQS connector can move onto the next message without holding up the processing of pending messages.

    contentType - By default, the content type header sent to functions by the connector is text/plain. If you need to change this, you can set it to something like such as application/json or application/octet-stream.

Each time a function is invoked by the connector it will receive the message from the queue as the HTTP body.

It'll also receive two HTTP headers:

  • X-SQS-Message-ID- the ID of the message in the SQS queue for when a function needs to do something with the message
  • X-SQS-Queue-URL - the URL of the SQS queue - required when a function receives messages from multiple queues

Once the message has been delivered to the function, it will be deleted from the queue.


Once you have configured a number of topics, you can then annotate your functions so that they get triggered by any incoming messages on those topics.

Download a template such as the golang-middleware template:

faas-cli template store pull golang-middleware

Then scaffold a new function using your registry in the OPENFAAS_PREFIX environment variable:

faas-cli new --lang golang-middleware resize-image

Now add an annotation for the s3-put-image queue, so that the resize-image function is invoked for any message received:

version: 1.0
  name: openfaas

    lang: golang-middleware
    handler: ./resize-image
+    annotations:
+      topic: s3-put-image

Edit the HTTP handler at ./s3-put-image/handler.go and do something with the message you received.

The Printer function written in Go is part of the OpenFaaS function store, and can be used as a reference for printing out the incoming HTTP request.

Test it out:

  • Now deploy your function with faas-cli up
  • Upload an image to your SQS queue
  • You'll receive a JSON payload with the details of which file was uploaded
  • Fetch the file with the AWS SDK and resize it with a library of your choice
  • Upload it to a different S3 Bucket.
  • Now view the logs for your function to see the output

Would you like a demo?

Feel free to reach out to us for a demo or to ask any questions you may have.