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Function CRD

Function Custom Resource Definition (CRD)

In addition to the REST API of the OpenFaaS gateway, the Function Custom Resource Definition can be used to manage functions.

Q: What's the difference between a Custom Resource Definition (CRD) and a Custom Resource (CR)?

A: The CRD is the definition of a Function, which is installed to the cluster once via helm when OpenFaaS is installed The CR is an instance of a Function.

Q: Do you still need stack.yml, if we want to adopt the Function CRD?

A: We recommend using either stack.yml on its own, along with IAM for OpenFaaS. However, if you want to use Helm, ArgoCD or Flux for GitOps-style deployments, then we would recommend using stack.yml for local development and for building images during CI, and the Function CRD for deployment.

Q: Can GitOps be used with Functions CRs?

A: You can use Helm, ArgoCD, or FluxCD to template, update and deploy functions. The Function CRD is a native Kubernetes resource, so it can be managed in the same way as Deployments, Services, and other resources.

Q: Can I still use kubectl if I deploy functions via REST or faas-cli?

A: Yes, the REST API accepts JSON deployment requests and then creates and manages a Function CR behind the scenes for you. That means you can explore, backup and inspect Functions using kubectl, even if you are not deploying via kubectl directly.

See also:

Function Spec

Do not remove the CRD

Do not remove the Custom Resource Definition from the cluster.

If you remove the Function CRD, then all instances of the CRD (known as CRs) will be removed from the cluster, meaning all your functions will be deleted immediately.

Here is an example of a function, written out in long form:

kind: Function
  name: nodeinfo
  namespace: openfaas-fn
  name: nodeinfo
  handler: node main.js
  image: functions/nodeinfo:latest
    com.openfaas.scale.min: "2"
    com.openfaas.scale.max: "15"
    current-time: Mon 6 Aug 23:42:00 BST 2018
    next-time: Mon 6 Aug 23:42:00 BST 2019
    write_debug: "true"
    cpu: "200m"
    memory: "256Mi"
    cpu: "10m"
    memory: "128Mi"
    - ""
    - nodeinfo-secret1

How to query Functions with kubectl

Create a function using the following YAML:

cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: Function
  name: env
  namespace: openfaas-fn
  name: env
    fprocess: "env"

Then watch the status:

$ kubectl get function --watch --output wide --namespace openfaas-fn

NAME   IMAGE                            READY   HEALTHY   REPLICAS   AVAILABLE
env   True    False                
env   True    False     1          
env   True    False     1          
env   True    True      1          1

  • Replicas represents the desired state, this starts as either 1 or the value of the com.openfaas.min.scale label. This value may also be changed by the autoscaler.
  • Available represents the actual number of Pods that are ready to serve traffic, that have passed their readiness check.

Readiness and health

The OpenFaaS REST API contains readiness information in the form of available replicas being > 0. The faas-cli also has a describe command which queries the amount of available replicas and will report Ready or Not Ready.

That said, the Custom Resource now has a .status field with a number of conditions.

  • Reconciling is True - the operator has discovered the Function CR and is working on creating child resources in Kubernetes
  • Stalled is True - the operator cannot create the function, check the reason, perhaps some secrets are missing?
  • Ready condition is True - the operator was able to create the required Deployment, all required secrets exist, and it has no more work to do. The Reconciling condition is removed
  • Healthy condition is True - there is at least one ready Pod available to serve traffic

What about scaling to zero? When a Function is scaled to zero, the Ready state will be True and the Healthy state will be False. Invoke the function via its URL on the gateway to have it scale up from zero, you'll see it progress and gain a Healthy condition of True.

If you change a Function once it has passed into the Ready=true state, then the Ready condition will change to Unknown, and the Reconciling condition will be added again.

If you're an ArgoCD user, then you can define a custom health check at deployment time to integrate with the Custom Resource: ArgoCD: Custom Health Checks

To check that all secrets existed, and that the function could be applied correctly, then look for a Ready condition with a status of True for the current generation of the object. If you want to know if the function's code was valid, and was able to start, and that its image could be pulled, look for the Healthy condition instead. Bear in mind that any functions scaled to zero may have the Healthy condition removed, or set to False.

What happens when auto-scaling? When a Function is scaling from at least one replica to some higher number, the Healthy condition will continue to be set to True. The same applies when scaling down, so long as the target number of replicas is greater than zero.

Helm does not currently support readiness or waiting for Custom Resources, however, you can do this via kubectl if you wish:

# Wait until "env" is reconciled:
$ kubectl get function/env -n openfaas-fn -o jsonpath="{.status.conditions[?(@.type == 'Ready')].status}"

# Wait until "env" has at least one ready Pod:
$ kubectl get function/env -n openfaas-fn -o jsonpath="{.status.conditions[?(@.type == 'Healthy')].status}"

ArgoCD health status

Edit ArgoCD's configmap to add a custom health check for the Function CRD:

kubectl edit configmap argocd-cm -n argocd
  resource.customizations: |
      health.lua: |
        hs = {}
        if obj.status ~= nil then
          if obj.status.conditions ~= nil then
            for i, condition in ipairs(obj.status.conditions) do
              if condition.type == "Ready" and condition.status == "False" then
                hs.status = "Degraded"
                hs.message = condition.message
                return hs
              if condition.type == "Stalled" and condition.status == "True" then
                hs.status = "Degraded"
                hs.message = condition.message
                return hs
              if condition.type == "Ready" and condition.status == "True" then
                if obj.status.replicas ~= nil and obj.status.replicas > 0 then
                  hs.status = "Healthy"
                  hs.message = condition.message
                  hs.status = "Suspended"
                  hs.message = "No replicas available"
                return hs

        hs.status = "Progressing"
        hs.message = "Waiting for Function"
        return hs

ArgoCD health status:

  • Function can't become ready due to a missing secret => Argo status: degraded
  • Function is ready and can serve traffic to at least one Pod => Argo status: healthy
  • Function is ready (no changes need to be applied), but has been scaled down to zero replicas => Argo status: suspended

Note: A pull request was sent to the ArgoCD project, so in a future version of ArgoCD, you won't need to create the above ConfigMap manually. However if you do want to override the behaviour of the health status, then you can still create a ConfigMap with the above content.

FluxCD health status

When using FluxCD, and the kustomization controller, the built-in Ready condition will be observed to detect whether a rollout was successful.

Just make sure that the spec.wait field is set to true in the Kustomization resource.

From the FluxCD Kustomization docs:

.spec.wait is an optional boolean field to perform health checks for all reconciled resources as part of the Kustomization.

kind: Kustomization
  name: env
  interval: 10m
  targetNamespace: openfaas-fn
  path: ./apps/prod
+ wait: true

See also: FluxCD Kustomization docs

How to generate a spec from a stack.yml

If you already have functions defined in a stack.yml file, you can generate the Function resources with:

faas-cli generate [-f stack.yml]

If you'd like to generate a Function CR from a store-function, run:

faas-cli generate --from-store env

Either command can be piped into a file, or directly into kubectl apply

faas-cli generate > functions.yaml

faas-cli generate --from-store env > env.yaml

faas-cli generate --from-store nodeinfo | kubectl apply -f-

Environment substitution

Whilst generating the Function Custom Resource from a stack.yml file, you can also substitute text such as within labels or the image tag.


  name: openfaas

    lang: golang-middleware
    handler: ./bcrypt
      com.openfaas.scale.min: 1
      com.openfaas.scale.max: 10 500
      com.openfaas.scale.type: cpu

      com.openfaas.git-branch: master
      com.openfaas.git-owner: ${OWNER:-alexellis}
      com.openfaas.git-repo: autoscaling-functions
      com.openfaas.git-sha: ${TAG:-4089a5f18b0692833e28a88d9ca263a68c329034}

      github: true

In the example above, there is a default owner for the: image owner, image tag, owner and tag in two labels, and in an annotation.

Therefore, in CI, you may run something like:

TAG=$CI_TAG OWNER=$CI_OWNER faas-cli generate | kubectl apply -f -

Deploy functions via Helm

You can template and deploy functions via Helm, ArgoCD and Flux by including the Function's CR YAML in the same way you would for any other native Kubernetes resource.

See also: How to package OpenFaaS functions with Helm